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Provide for in a sentence

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Sentence count:155+5Posted:2017-09-24Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: provide fundsprovideprovidedproviderprovidentprovidenceimprovidentprovidential
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61. People in even the simplest forms of developed economy required goods and services which they could not provide for themselves.
62. This means that there are more old people needing special help and proportionately fewer people of working age to provide for them.
63. The Treaty of Rome and the subsequent decisions of the member Governments provide for a series of further steps.
64. Nicholas Breads, which are blessed and which continue to provide for his clients many favors and graces.
65. This disjunctive, unfinished quality challenges readers to establish an order which the text does not entirely provide for them.
66. The film is about a maintenance man who juggles three jobs to provide for his family.
67. In effect the Latin texts provide for congregational participation, respectively, in the anamnesis, the communion-epiclesis, and the intercessions.
68. Why is it unlikely that depreciation will provide for replacement of the fixed asset?
69. The suit further alleges that the sheik reneged on repeated oral pledges to provide for her long-term care.
70. His distribution contract did not expressly provide for him to be personally involved in the distribution although his personal involvement was appreciated.
71. The Pact would provide for the withdrawal of Soviet forces following the formation of a coalition government in Kabul.
72. Such a clause may provide for the president of the professional body to appoint such a person.
73. He tries to provide for reform within a political framework and he introduces consensus, as a social control variable.
74. Again, prior planning under the partnership deed may provide for purchase of a deceased or retired partner's share by valuation.
75. De Klerk insisted that such a system would not provide for preferential treatment for any group at the expense of any other.
76. A new range of private law orders was introduced to provide for the care and upbringing of children.
77. She needed to be everything she could be and London would provide for that.
78. Cade could provide for both the Crown and its debtors credit and financial expertise.
79. The expenses incurred by the college were all incurred necessarily in order properly to provide for these pupils.
80. The Disabled Persons Act 1986 recommends, but does not legislate, that local authorities should define need and provide for it.
81. Many cities require registration of alarm systems, provide for a warning process, fine violators and authorize disconnection of alarm systems.
82. Many state statutes provide for an award of attorney fees to the prevailing party.
83. They will provide for pensions on the same terms as are currently enjoyed.
84. So public housing fails to provide for personal mobility in changing relationships, or for different needs that people may have.
85. Desperate for more sons to provide for them in their old age, they kept trying.
86. The journey is of utmost importance as it is about the enhancement of excellence in what we provide for our children.
87. The Chamber Choir and the Renaissance Singers provide for those interested in joining smaller choirs.
88. The regulations provide for this in certain circumstances and we are considering how to improve the detail of the procedures.
88. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
89. Pointers provide for machine-independent address arithmetic.
90. This also will provide for regression testing.
More similar words: provide fundsprovideprovidedproviderprovidentprovidenceimprovidentprovidentialprovided thatimprovidenceprovidentiallyservice providerprovidingproviding thatprovisoprovingprovincedecide forprovincesimproviseapprovingprovincialreprovingprovisionimprovingprovisionsimprovisedprovisionalapprovinglyprovisioning
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